Transport & traffic solutions

The Issue

Noosa Council’s Transport Strategy and the Noosa Cycling and Walking Strategy have long been approved but only minimally implemented.  Meanwhile, transport and traffic problems abound.

My Policy

It’s urgent to put the Transport Strategy and Cycling and Walking Strategy on track. A special case will be made for Hinterland public transport and improved access to medical and higher education facilities in Maroochydore and the Sunshine Coast university hospital precinct.


During my 2016-2020 term on Council, the Transport Strategy 2017-27 involved a large amount of work, including two rounds of public consultation.

The strategy included big initiatives. Park-and-ride hubs on major arterial roads, serviced by frequent buses.  Noosa-style shuttle buses linking parking hubs with the main tourist spots.  Paid and time-limited car parking.  Priority lanes for buses, cycles and scooters.  And re-activating a disbanded ‘Walk & Ride to School’ program.

Public consultation also brought forward many good ideas including linked off-road bike and scooter pathways, electric charging stations, designated car free streets, public use of existing community buses, a bike hire scheme, end of trip facilities (showers, lockers etc), and alternative access to Noosa Woods and Little Cove.

During confidential Councillor workshops, the 2016-20 mayor regularly reiterated the former mayor Playford’s maxim that traffic congestion had the benefit of discouraging visitors.  Perhaps it wasn’t surprising that the final version of the Transport Strategy unfurled for adoption by Council, had conditional words added to replace action. Words like ‘investigate’, ‘study’, ‘review’ and ‘consider’.  Not ‘implement’ or ‘execute’.

My Action

I will seek Council consensus to implement the Transport Strategy and the Cycling and Walking Strategy.  The now seven years old Transport Strategy will need to be reviewed and, in fairness to the community, will require a further consultation.

I will lead advocacy with the State government to improve public transport to hinterland townships, more frequent trains connecting to Brisbane at Cooroy Station for workers, students and tourists, and regarding infrastructure initiatives to prepare Noosa for the forecast South East Queensland region population growth.


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