A message from Ingrid

I’m standing for election as Mayor of Noosa to ensure our Council makes a beneficial and lasting difference to the lives of the people of our Shire, both now and in the future.

I’m a great supporter of the Noosa Plan and will encourage Councillors to stay focused on its 20-year vision to make our Shire a place where community, economy and environment can thrive in harmony.

As Mayor, I will lead the Council in shifting away from what people rightly see as too little action on big issues. I refer to vital matters like housing, traffic, business development and the river (and there are more), where the Council has under-achieved.

If I’m elected Mayor I’ll initiate action to have plans and strategies implemented rather than left sitting on the shelf.

Winning against the odds

I am strongly committed to enhancing Council accountability and transparency.

Many residents will remember how, as a Councillor between 2016 and 2020, I was the lone proponent of greater transparency in the face of strong resistance by other Councillors.

However, the community put its weight behind me enabling me to successfully progress many transparency initiatives, including live-streaming Council meetings, introducing public question time at Council meetings, publishing committee minutes and recording individual Councillor votes on contested issues.

Many of the transparency reforms I proposed were voted down at the time or have since been weakened or abandoned. As Mayor, I pledge to introduce those rejected and strengthen those diluted.

Creating a culture of respect

I have an unswerving commitment to eliminating poor behaviour from our Council. This has become entrenched and respect is too often lacking between Councillors and in some Councillors’ interactions with staff and residents.

It is even more concerning that two Councillors in the current Council have had allegations of serious breaches - including misconduct and conflict of interest - substantiated and penalised by relevant councillor complaints agencies.

Misconduct, or poor and inappropriate behaviour, lets down the people of Noosa and detracts from good decision-making. I’ll take the strongest of stands to remedy bad behaviour and create a culture of respect in our Council.