Valuing local business & jobs

The Issue

Noosa Shire’s economy and business health are often undervalued in Council decision-making.  Entrepreneurial initiatives are often disrupted, halted or burdened with impossible conditions. A variety of rules are used to negate them, and the economic loss caused by these decisions disregarded.

My Policy

Facilitate a robust Shire economy focused on relevant industry sectors and job creation by actioning and resourcing  Council’s Economic Development Strategy and Unit and working with business to achieve outcomes.


Noosa Shire has more than 7,000 businesses of which 58% one-person operations, 31% have 1-4 employees and 9% have between five and 19 employees. That’s 98% of Noosa businesses.

The Noosa Plan, the Noose Corporate Plan, the Economic Development Strategy and the Housing Strategy are, amongst other things, all concerned with fostering Noosa’s economy.

In April 2023, Noosa Council signed the State Government’s Small Business Friendly Charter, which commits the Council to “actively engage and be mindful of small businesses, their issues and priorities when making decisions.” 

These valid intentions end up devoid of practical outcomes when Councillors are not committed to achieving these goals. 

My Action

Seek a review Council’s performance in facilitating a robust Shire economy.

Collaborate with business groups in the Shire to prepare and implement a business development plan focusing on:

·        small business development and growth

·        job creation

·        the accommodation needs of workers.

Include consideration of businesses and economic impact modelling as a basis for decision-making and planning, including the Destination Management Plan.


Transport & traffic solutions


A start made on affordable housing