Continuing the fight for transparency

As Mayor, I will draw on my previous career as a Sydney-based management consultant and, more recently, as Noosa Councillor. Some residents will remember my relentless pursuit of greater transparency, good governance and evidence-based decision-making at Noosa Council.

I frequently found myself isolated, undermined and intimidated by the majority of councillors, but strongly backed by residents I won some notable victories to make the Council more open and accountable to the community.

It is sad, in a society valuing freedom of speech, that I was at times prevented from bringing forward motions for debate.

I understand that the female Mayor and Councillors, who are a minority in the current Council, have experienced similar unacceptable treatment.

I’m not easily intimidated and will always act to improve the governance of Noosa Council in what I believe to be the best interests of residents.

Contributing to the Noosa community

Since coming to live in our beautiful Shire in 2013, I‘ve been an active participant in a number of voluntary associations established to help improve the way we live or do business here.

At various times I’ve been Secretary of the Noosa Chamber of Commerce, a Vice-President and Secretary of the local branch of the Country Women’s Association, and Honorary Secretary of Noosa Parks Association.

A career of making a difference

I have an MBA (in Public Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management (University of NSW), a Graduate Diploma in Education (UNSW) and a Bachelor of Arts (University of Alberta, Canada). I’m also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Throughout, my career continued to be dedicated to facilitating individual growth, driving positive change and improving communications in organisations.

After I came to Australia as a young woman, I was recruited by the Department of Foreign Affairs to direct high level courses for human resources managers from Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands and the Caribbean. My next role was as Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator for the NSW Ministry of Education.

I left the public service in 1989 to work for Westpac, managing its executive development and national communication programs. My next move was to establish my consulting company, Executive Management Solutions.

EMS had many long-term clients including the Commonwealth Bank, Sydney Water, NSW Public Works, Elders and David Jones. I also undertook shorter projects for UNESCO, Hornsby Shire Council and Delta Electricity.