Can you assist Ingrid become Mayor?

My small team is looking for volunteers across a range of roles vital to the success of the campaign. There are four areas of campaign operation, and you can decide whether you’re able to spend time on one or more of them.

  • Pre-polling

    In the week or two before Election Day, one or two polling booths will be open for early voting (I’m awaiting details from the Electoral Commission).

    I need people to hand out how-to-vote cards. A shift is generally of 3-4 hours duration, and you can work as many or as few as you wish. At this stage please just indicate that you might be available.

  • Election Day

    On Saturday 16 March about 10 polling locations will open throughout the Shire (again I await Electoral Commission confirmation). I’ll require a small army to hand out how-to-vote cards in shifts of 3-4 hours. I’ll lead a briefing and social gathering for poll workers on a date to be fixed.

  • Letterboxing

    Australia Post will be the main distributor of my election pamphlets, but if you’d like do some local letterboxing or give some to your friends and neighbours, I’d love that to happen. Tell me how many pamphlets you want and I’ll get them to you together with a tip sheet on talking with people who may want to know more about me or my policies.

  • Scrutineering

    At 6pm on Election Day, Saturday 16 March, counting of votes begins. Candidates are allowed to appoint scrutineers who work in the tally rooms to ensure votes are counted correctly. Scrutineering is a bit of a skill and there will a briefing run by an experienced scrutineer before Election Day. We’d like to hear from practised scrutineers and people keen to learn.

Join the campaign

Please fill out and return this form and I’ll be in touch. You are welcome to tick as many boxes as you want.

In your own time

Social media is big during elections. The hardened amongst you might care to participate in forums to focus on policies and issues that interest you.

Another, quieter, way to assist is to send letters to local papers (online and hard copy) on election issues. If you need some extra information, please feel free to send an email to