A Noosa River for all

The Issue

The most recent version of the Noosa River Plan included a Conservation Park in the river, which was not the object of previous public consultation and which had no clear definition of impacts for river users or evidence of State government concurrence.

My Policy

The Council will act in good faith in reviewing and then implementing the Noosa River Plan which should cater for the reasonable expectations of all river users.


The revision of the Noosa River Plan has been worked on by council staff since recommendations were made by an experimental ‘community jury’ in early 2016.  Over the past eight years, there have been several public consultation cycles and always more reasons for delay.

The most recent version of the Noosa River Plan tabled at the September 2023 Council meeting, included a new proposal for a river Conservation Park not previously seen in the community consultations.  The proposal had inadequate information about its effect on river users, whether State government agreement was likely, and other matters.

As a result, the final version of the Noosa River Plan was deferred pending further consultation by July 2024.

My Action

In the July 2024 staff report to Council, I shall look for a clear statement of impacts on all users of a Conservation Park and the results of canvassing the State government on this proposal.

I will seek a review of Council processes to ensure community consultation is genuine and comprehensive.


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