A start made on affordable housing

The Issue

In the five years to March 2023, house prices in Noosa soared by 129% and units by 180%. Rents grew by 51%. These cost increases particularly affect at risk groups including low-paid workers, ageing single women who have been priced out of the rental market, families struggling with the cost of living, and people with a disability.

My Policy

Implement the Council’s housing strategy and employ measures at its disposal to identify land and housing providers to construct affordable housing.


Noosa Council approved a Housing Strategy in November 2022 which presented 48 recommendations to facilitate building affordable, accessible and social housing. Progress to date includes the identification of potential council land, an agreement with the Coast2Bay Community Housing Group to explore social housing opportunities on Council and other land in the Shire, and proposed amendments to the Noosa Plan, which currently await a State Interest Review.

Social and community housing for at risk groups and accommodation for essential workers can be a step towards reducing pressure in rental properties.

My Action

Noosa Council to implement its Housing Strategy and facilitate the construction of affordable housing for at risk groups and essential workers.

I will promote collaboration between Noosa Council, neighbouring councils and relevant public, private and community organisations to implement housing solutions as a matter of urgency.


Valuing local business & jobs


Responsible and respectful behaviour