Transparency excellence

The Issue

Council transparency is an important part of accountability to the community. As Councillor, I succeeded in increasing transparency despite opposition from other Councillors.  Some of these gains have been lost or diluted since. There’s a lot more to do.

My Policy

Council will as much as possible be open for scrutiny and foster transparency and accountability as part of its commitment to the community.


As Councillor in 2016-20, in spite of constant opposition by other Councillors, with the community behind me I succeeded in getting Council meetings livestreamed, a public question time at Ordinary Meetings, recording how each Councillor votes, and other initiatives.  

My observation is that some transparency gains have been lost or diluted since my departure in 2020. 

My Action

The Queensland Information Commissioner will be invited to review council transparency arrangements and then meet with Councillors and senior staff to discuss recommendations.

An internal working party will be set up to implement transparency initiatives.

Progress on transparency will be part of the performance reviews of the Council’s CEO, Directors and Senior Managers.


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