Truths vs myths about Ingrid

Ingrid’s policies are about action. She is committed to giving people a voice and ensuring open and honest communication.

Sadly there have been untruths promulgated about Ingrid. Here are the facts.

Ingrid stands for:

• Achieving the whole Noosa Plan vision. Not just refusing things by cherry picking and box-ticking

• UNESCO’s real intent for the Biosphere, a thriving community and economy in harmony with environment. About people, not just pet projects

• Transparency, accountability, respect. Not just secrecy and politics

• Getting things done. Not just announcements and obstacles

• Supporting Noosa’s small businesses. A change from the past

• Taking a strong stand and giving people a fair go!

Myth: Ingrid does not support the Noosa Plan – UNTRUE

As Councillor, Ingrid almost always voted in line with staff recommendations. She only diverged when she saw a higher priority for the community, e.g. medical services.

Ingrid believes councillors’ job is exercising judgement to achieve Noosa Plan vision and public interest.

Myth: That Ingrid is anti-environment – UNTRUE

Ingrid will protect Noosa’s environment now and for future generations.

As a Councillor, Ingrid consistently voted for environment initiatives. She was against the oyster reef project as she was not convinced it was an effective spend of ratepayers’ money.

Myth: That Ingrid is against cars – UNTRUE

Ingrid wants to see traffic and parking well managed. After Ingrid left Council, the Transport Strategy did not get done. Ingrid will seek to have it revived. It includes park-and-ride hubs, timed parking and paid parking for visitors, priority bus lanes, and ideas from public consultation.

Myth: That Ingrid will cause over-tourism – UNTRUE

Ingrid’s goal is a thriving visitor economy without overtourism, to protect residents and the environment. A well planned Destination Management Plan based on research and impact analyses is vital to managing visitors.

Myth: That Ingrid wants more Short Term Accommodation (STAs) – UNTRUE

Ingrid is concerned for residents. Too much short term letting goes under the radar.

Efficient complaints processes and enforcement are needed, including targeting properties without approvals.

Myth: That Ingrid is a climate change denier – UNTRUE

As a Councillor, Ingrid supported Council initiatives to reduce its emissions and encourage residents to do the same. This continues to be her policy.

Myth: That Ingrid is biased towards business – UNTRUE

Ingrid recognises a thriving economy as vital for resident wellbeing. 95 per cent of the 7,600 businesses are small. Businesses provide jobs and incomes. Ingrid wants a fair go for businesses.

Myth: That there is no poor behaviour in Council – UNTRUE

During the last two Council terms, councillor complaints bodies found some Councillors engaged in inappropriate conduct and misconduct. The most frequent causes were not declaring conflicts of interest and engaging in disrespectful behaviour.

Ingrid will lead the way to ensure respectful behaviour.

Myth: That Ingrid has alliances and preference deals with other candidates – UNTRUE

Ingrid is completely independent. She has no deals and is not accepting donations.

Some candidates’ How-to-Vote cards include Ingrid for mayor. Ingrid did not seek or approve these, but she believes candidates have a free choice.


An active mayor for Noosa